
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July Update of Best PNC CD Rates

This is an update CD PNC rates in July to promote their certificates of deposit. These rates are correct at CD July 14, 2010 for the Philadelphia area.

36 months callable CD rate is 1.74% and 1.75% APY. This CD requires a minimum deposit of $ 10,000.

The CD has 60 months repurchased an interest rate of 2.47% and 2.50% TRA. This CD also requires a minimum deposit of $ 10,000.

9 months fixed term CD requires a minimum deposit of $ 1,000. By choosing / Account Premium Plan, the interest rate is 0.47% and 0.47% is APY. Performance / Performance Select current account, the interest rate is 0.50% and 0.50% APY. Without an approved account, the CD rate is 0.045% and APY is 0.45%.

The regular CDs have rates for the following terms. The 120 month CD has an APY of 1.95%. The 60 month CD has an APY of 1.50%. The 48 month CD has an APY of 1.20%. The 36 month CD has an APY of 1.05%. The 24 month CD has an APY of 0.80%. The 18 month CD has an APY of 0.70%.

The CD has 12 months to 0.60% Apy. The CD has six months to 0.25% Apy. The CD has three months to 0.15% Apy. Each of these CDs require a minimum deposit of $ 1,000

The 1 month CD has an APY of 0.10% and requires a minimum deposit of $5000.

This is the current list of Best CD Rates PNC July update. All prices are accurate as of July 14, 2010.

Remember - most at risk, the greater the reward or loss. Invest with caution.